How to Get Auto Insurance With a Suspended License in Chandler, AZ

You may think you are out of luck if your driver’s license is suspended and you need auto insurance in Chandler, AZ. However, there are a few steps you can take to get the coverage you need. In this blog post, San Marcos Insurance Group gives an overview of what to do if your driver’s license is suspended and you require auto insurance in Chandler, AZ. 

Getting Auto Insurance with a Suspended License

If your license is suspended, it does not mean that you cannot get auto insurance in Chandler, AZ—it just means that finding coverage will be more challenging. Some insurers will refuse to provide coverage for drivers with suspended licenses, so the best thing to do is shop around for an insurer who will accept your application. Some insurers specialize in providing coverage for high-risk drivers and may be willing to give you coverage even if your license has been suspended. 

It is important to note that while some insurers may accept applications from drivers with suspensions, they will typically charge higher premiums since they are considered high-risk drivers. Additionally, most insurers will require proof that your license has been reinstated before they can provide coverage, so check with them before signing up for any policy. If all else fails, you could consider getting non-owner car insurance which provides basic liability protection without requiring a valid driver’s license.             

If your driver’s license has been suspended in Chandler, AZ, due to unpaid tickets or other violations, don’t despair. There are still options available, even though it might be more complicated than usual due to the circumstances surrounding your suspension. Contact San Marcos Insurance Group, and we can help you.

Does Your Arizona Home Insurance Policy Cover Your Hot Tub?

Having a hot tub at home can be an enjoyable way to relax and unwind. But what happens if something goes wrong with it? Many homeowners in Chandler, AZ wonder if their home insurance policy covers their hot tub in the event of an unexpected issue.

Understanding Your Homeowners Insurance Policy

Before we answer whether your homeowner’s policy covers your hot tub, let’s look at what most standard home insurance policies cover. Generally speaking, these policies cover damage to the structure of your home due to things like fire or storms, as well as theft of personal items inside your home. In addition, they may also provide liability coverage in case someone is injured while visiting you at home. Before purchasing a hot tub for your Chandler, AZ home, speak with a San Marcos Insurance Group agent to find precisely what your policy covers.

Does My Homeowners Insurance Cover My Hot Tub?

The short answer is that it depends on the specifics of your policy and the type of damage that has occurred to the hot tub. If you purchased a standard homeowner’s policy without additional features such as "inland marine" coverage, it likely wouldn’t cover any issues related to your hot tub. However, an umbrella policy may provide liability coverage if someone gets injured while using the hot tub.

If you’re interested in learning more about how best to protect yourself from potential damages related to owning a hot tub in Chandler, AZ, contact San Marcos Insurance Group today! Their team will be happy to discuss the different types of coverage available so that you can make an informed decision about which option is best for you.