Do I Need Home Insurance? If so, Why?

Did you know that approximately 93% of American homeowners possess some home insurance? Although home insurance isn’t legally required in many states, unlike car insurance, your lender likely requires it if you have a mortgage. Let’s delve deeper into why. If you require assistance in Chandler, AZ, consider reaching out to San Marcos Insurance Group.

Why a Lender Requires Home Insurance

When you secure a mortgage, you’re essentially taking out a protected loan. Your property, purchased with the mortgage, serves as the collateral. Thus, in cases of delayed or missed loan payments, the lender can seize the property to settle the remaining balance. Any surplus amount after covering the debts, referred to as "excess proceeds," goes back to the property owner in Arizona.

Mortgages are generally less costly than credit cards, personal loans, and various other debt forms. This is largely because the loan is backed by a high-value property, reducing the lender’s risks. However, if a home gets damaged by a storm or fire, the property’s value diminishes, increasing the lender’s risks. Consequently, lenders necessitate that a home insurance policy safeguard the property.

The Consequences of Cancelling Home Insurance

Canceling or ceasing the payment for home insurance on a property can result in the mortgage lender procuring an insurance policy and billing the property owner. The terms of this insurance policy may not be beneficial from the property owner’s perspective. Therefore, working with an insurance agent to select a plan is often more advantageous. If you need help in Chandler, AZ, the San Marcos Insurance Group is ready to assist you.

Tips for making your home safer

Safety in your home begins both inside and outside. Ensuring that you and your family not only feel safe and secure but are safe and secure is vital to your peace of mind. At San Marcos Insurance Group in Chandler, AZ, we provide the coverage you need to keep your home safe from all the financial dangers that exist. 

Tips for outdoor safety

Keeping your home safe from dangers on the outside starts with a home security system. You have no excuse these days for not having one since they are affordable and easy to install. Combined with motion detector lights that cover the entire exterior of your home, this provides the best option. Keeping the shrubbery away from the front of your home is another safety tip that eliminates hiding places. Use the locks that your home has on windows and doors. 

To keep the home safe for visitors, ensure that all walkways are in good repair and avoid trip hazards. 

Indoor safety tips

Safety is just as important inside your home. Falls are one of the most common causes of death and injuries in the home. This means clearing clutter from halls and stairs and making sure that you have adequate lighting. Don’t use throw rugs, which can slip, and keep any extension cords out of the way of foot traffic. 

Keep any poisons, including cleaning solutions, laundry detergent, and weed killers, out of reach of children and pets. Also, keep medication under lock and key and out of reach of curious children. 

When you are ready to change or discuss your home insurance, San Marcos Insurance Group in Chandler, AZ, can provide the service you require. As independent insurance agents, we can offer more choices and competitive rates. 

What Should You Look For When Selecting a Home Insurance Company?

Deciding on the Best Home Insurance Provider

Your home is more than just a piece of property; it’s a retreat where you and your family find comfort. Choosing the right home insurance company becomes an absolute necessity, especially when residing in the greater Chandler, AZ area. To ensure that your selection meets your specific needs, there are a few fundamental aspects you should deliberate.

Considering Reputation and Financial Stability

The provider’s reputation and stability are the first factors you should weigh before firming up your home insurance company’s decision. Consider insurance companies like San Marcos Insurance Group, recognized for reliability and financial strength. A sterling reputation is a significant indicator of the company’s dedication to quality service.

Tailored Coverage Options

The need for home insurance varies considerably from one homeowner to another. Seek insurance providers that offer a plethora of coverage options that can accommodate your personal circumstances. San Marcos Insurance Group of Chandler, AZ, provides customizable policies, effectively protecting your home and assets.

The Importance of Customer Service

Having a home insurance provider that offers exceptional customer service, especially in challenging times, is a significant advantage. The speed and quality of response can make all the difference when you require assistance.

Local Expertise and Accessibility

It’s wise to choose a home insurance provider familiar with the local risks and challenges. Companies like San Marcos Insurance Group, based in Chandler, AZ, are more likely to understand the specific requisites of local homeownership. Make a sound and secure home insurance company choice tailored to meet your unique needs. We at San Marcos Insurance Group are here to serve you. Reach out today.

Does Home Insurance Cover My Belongings?

Home insurance isn’t just for the actual structure of a house. It usually offers several other protections, including personal property coverage. Here’s how a home insurance policy would likely cover things in your Chandler, AZ house.

Personal Property Coverage in Home Insurance

Typically, a standard home insurance policy includes personal property coverage. This means that your belongings, such as furniture, electronics, clothing, and other personal items, are protected against specific perils like theft, fire, and certain natural disasters. However, the extent of coverage and the limits can vary depending on the policy.

Coverage Limits and Exceptions

While most belongings are covered under a standard home insurance policy, there are usually limits to the amount the insurance company will pay for certain items. High-value items like jewelry, art, and collectibles may require additional coverage. 

Reviewing your home insurance policy’s terms with a knowledgeable insurance agent is essential. We at San Marcos Insurance Group can help.

Additional Coverage Options

If you have high-value items and want them better protected, consider additional coverage options or riders. These can provide higher limits or cover risks not included in a standard policy.

Protect Your Possessions

When getting home insurance, don’t just focus on the coverage afforded for your house. Also, pay attention to how well a policy will protect those things in your house. Your possessions are likely worth thousands and probably tens of thousands.

If you’d like help finding coverage for your belongings, contact us at San Marcos Insurance Group. One of our knowledgeable agents will work with you to find a home insurance policy with the personal property coverage you require.

Four steps to choosing your home insurance policy

Homeowners in Chandler, AZ can rely on us at San Marcos Insurance Group when they need to find the right home insurance policy.

When you buy home insurance, there are a few essential steps that you need to go through. Here are four steps to choosing your home insurance policy. 

Identify your home insurance coverage needs.

It would be best to consider the risks you face as a homeowner to determine what types of coverage you need. Ensure your home is insured for its full value, and consider whether you need to add coverage types like outbuilding coverage or flood insurance onto your policy. 

Do some research on home insurance providers in your area

Exploring your options is essential to find high-quality coverage at a competitive price. That’s why you should research insurance companies in your area that offer home insurance coverage to find the best provider for your situation. 

Request quotes on insurance policies for your property

Narrow your search to a few providers from which you want to get policy quotes. You should then request policy quotes from these insurance companies to compare options. 

Evaluate the quotes you get and choose a policy.

Evaluate the quotes you receive and decide which is best for your situation. Remember to consider not only premium costs but also the amount of coverage each policy offers, as well as the customer service and reputation of the insurance provider in question. 

Home insurance coverage gives you peace of mind. Call us at San Marcos Insurance Group to get a quote on a policy that protects the value of your property in Chandler, AZ. 

Should You Increase Your Home Insurance Coverage?

Home insurance is designed to protect you against unforeseen events that can lead to financial loss. The protection you receive, however, is only as good as the accuracy of your coverage. If it’s been a while since you updated your policy, you may have inaccurate coverage. A visit to your San Marcos Insurance Group agent in Chandler, AZ can help you determine if it’s time to increase your home coverage.

Reasons to Increase Home Insurance Coverage

Standard homeowners’ policies offer dwelling, property, and liability coverage. Over the years, your home and personal property may undergo significant changes that require an update to your insurance policy.

Major home renovations, such as adding a bedroom or backyard patio to your property or remodeling your kitchen, will increase your home’s value. If your current dwelling coverage is less than the increased value of your home, your home won’t be fully protected from a major disaster.

Another factor to consider is the rise in the market value of your property. Your home may be worth much more today than several years ago. If you haven’t updated your policy in a few years, you probably have insufficient dwelling insurance to protect your property thoroughly. Ideally, this coverage should be enough to rebuild your home if it’s totally destroyed in a disaster.

In like manner, your property insurance should be enough to repair or replace personal goods damaged or lost in a disaster. If you’ve acquired costly goods over the last year, you may need to increase your property coverage to protect these assets. Otherwise, you could replace them on your own if they’re stolen, damaged, or lost in a major disaster.

Where to Update Your Policy

For help upgrading your home insurance to obtain up-to-date coverage, contact San Marcos Insurance Group in Chandler, AZ.

Tips for Choosing the Right Home Insurance Provider

You want to protect your home, and having the right insurance policy can help you. But home insurance has a lot to consider, including which insurance provider you want to work with. If you’re in the Chandler, AZ area, San Marcos Insurance Group can give you some options and talk you through the choices you’ll need to make. Then you can work with a trusted agent you feel comfortable with and have an insurer who will honor their policy and make things right if you need to make a claim.

Finding the Right Insurance Provider

It’s always good to feel confident in the policy you have from your insurance provider, and when you work with us, you’ll have several providers to choose from. You won’t be limited to just one, making finding the right fit easier.

Look for an insurance provider who has good reviews, answers your questions, and talks to you about options. You want to have the very best policy for your particular needs, and that’s hard to do when you’re guessing what you need or what the policy offers. By working with us, you won’t have to do any of that. We take the guesswork out of that, so you get what you need.

Contact us today if you’re in the Chandler, AZ area. At San Marcos Insurance Group, we know how important it is for you to have a home insurance provider who cares. We’ll answer all your questions and help you choose an insurer who will meet your needs for protecting your house. Then you can enjoy your time there even more, knowing you have quality protection and great peace of mind for the future.

Insurance for the Modern Homeowner: Embracing Technology and Innovation

As modern homeowner looks for ways to protect their home and their valuable possessions, they are increasingly turning to technology to take proactive measures. We at San Marcos Insurance Group, serving the Chandler, AZ area, recognize the importance of embracing these technological advances in home insurance—allowing homeowners to have greater peace of mind in knowing their homes and possessions are safe.

How Technology is Changing Home Insurance

From innovative home systems to connected appliances, modern homeowners have access to a plethora of technology that can help ensure their home is safe and secure. These technological advances have revolutionized how we approach home insurance—allowing homeowners to take more proactive measures that can help mitigate losses from theft, fire, and other disasters. For example, some homeowners are installing smart doorbells equipped with cameras that allow them to see remotely who is at their front door, which can help reduce the likelihood of a break-in.

How This Impacts Coverage

The increased use of technology in homes directly impacts home insurance coverage. For example, many insurers offer discounts for homeowners who have taken steps to protect their homes with security systems, including cameras, motion sensors, and alarms. 

The Bottom Line

At San Marcos Insurance Group, we understand the importance of embracing technology in the modern home. Our experienced agents are here to help you assess your home’s needs and find the coverage that suits your situation. By taking advantage of current technological advances, homeowners can ensure that their homes and possessions are protected—giving them peace of mind knowing their investments are safe. Contact us today for more information on how we can help you protect your Chandler, AZ home.

Tips to prepare your house for a storm

As the weather gets more and more unpredictable here in the Chandler, AZ area, it’s essential to be prepared for any storm. Here are some tips from us at San Marcos Insurance Group to help you prepare your house for a storm: 

  1. Secure loose items outside your home. Secure any patio furniture, grills, or other items that could become flying projectiles in high winds. 
  2. Clean your gutters. Clogged gutters can cause water to back into your home when it rains heavily, so make sure they’re clear before a storm. 
  3. Trim trees and shrubbery near your house. Limbs and branches can break off during a storm and damage windows, so ensure they are trimmed away from the home before a storm hits. 
  4. Prepare an emergency kit with essential items such as flashlights, batteries, non-perishable food, water bottles, and first aid supplies in case of a power outage or other emergency situation during or after the storm. 
  5. Ensure all your devices are charged and stock up on batteries. You will need them in case the power goes out. A battery-powered radio can keep you connected and informed about critical updates during the storm.

By following these simple tips, you’ll be well on your way to having your home ready for whatever Mother Nature throws at it! If you have any questions about how to prepare your house for a storm or want to explore new options for homeowners insurance, or any other type of insurance product on the market, call us at San Marcos Insurance Group today. We proudly serve the Chandler, AZ area.

Does Your Arizona Home Insurance Policy Cover Your Hot Tub?

Having a hot tub at home can be an enjoyable way to relax and unwind. But what happens if something goes wrong with it? Many homeowners in Chandler, AZ wonder if their home insurance policy covers their hot tub in the event of an unexpected issue.

Understanding Your Homeowners Insurance Policy

Before we answer whether your homeowner’s policy covers your hot tub, let’s look at what most standard home insurance policies cover. Generally speaking, these policies cover damage to the structure of your home due to things like fire or storms, as well as theft of personal items inside your home. In addition, they may also provide liability coverage in case someone is injured while visiting you at home. Before purchasing a hot tub for your Chandler, AZ home, speak with a San Marcos Insurance Group agent to find precisely what your policy covers.

Does My Homeowners Insurance Cover My Hot Tub?

The short answer is that it depends on the specifics of your policy and the type of damage that has occurred to the hot tub. If you purchased a standard homeowner’s policy without additional features such as "inland marine" coverage, it likely wouldn’t cover any issues related to your hot tub. However, an umbrella policy may provide liability coverage if someone gets injured while using the hot tub.

If you’re interested in learning more about how best to protect yourself from potential damages related to owning a hot tub in Chandler, AZ, contact San Marcos Insurance Group today! Their team will be happy to discuss the different types of coverage available so that you can make an informed decision about which option is best for you.