How Commercial Insurance Helps Mitigate Risk

If you’re in Chandler, AZ, and looking for ways to protect your business from financial risk, San Marcos Insurance Group can help. Commercial insurance is a great way to mitigate the potential risks of owning and operating a business. Commercial insurance can help businesses remain secure and profitable by providing coverage for potential losses and liabilities. If you want to learn more about the benefits of investing in commercial insurance, you’ve come to the right place.

What is Commercial Insurance?

Commercial insurance is a type of policy that provides financial protection for businesses, organizations, and non-profits. It helps to protect against potential losses from uncertain events such as fire, theft, lawsuits, or other unexpected losses. Commercial insurance can help you protect your business assets, cover the costs associated with legal liabilities and provide peace of mind in an unforeseen event.

How Does Commercial Insurance Help Alleviate Risk?

Commercial insurance can help your business manage potential risk in several ways. It can protect against property damage, liability claims, and lost income due to an unexpected event. By providing coverage for the costs associated with these risks, commercial insurance helps businesses manage any harm done by unforeseen events.

Contact San Marcos Insurance Group Today

You don’t have to face the risks of running a business alone. With commercial insurance, you can trust that your assets and operations are adequately protected. San Marcos Insurance Group serves Chandler, AZ, providing comprehensive coverage tailored to meet the needs of your business. Our team of agents is here to help guide you in finding the right plan for your company so that you can have peace of mind. Contact us today to learn more about our commercial insurance plans.

Can You Still Get Health Insurance if You Smoke?

If you are a smoker or tobacco user in Chandler, AZ, you may wonder whether you can still get health insurance coverage. The answer is yes; however, it depends on the type of health insurance plan you are looking for and the carrier from which you purchase the plan. Read on for advice from San Marcos Insurance Group.

Finding Health Insurance as a Smoker 

If you’re a smoker or tobacco user and you’re looking for an individual health insurance plan in Chandler, there are several options available to you. Most carriers will allow smokers and tobacco users to apply for their plans; however, they may have to pay higher premiums than non-smoking applicants. Some carriers will even offer discounts or incentives to those who quit smoking while on their health plan. 

It’s important to note that group health plans don’t typically consider smoking status when determining eligibility or premiums. This means that all employees in a group plan—whether they smoke or not—will normally pay the same rate for their coverage. 

Finding Affordable Healthcare Coverage 

No matter your smoking status, shopping around for the best possible rates on your healthcare coverage is important. Many carriers offer plans in the Chandler area, and it pays to compare prices and benefits among them before deciding which one is right for you. 

In summary, smokers and tobacco users can still obtain healthcare coverage in Chandler, AZ. However, you should be prepared to pay higher premiums than non-smokers depending on the type of plan they select and the carrier from which they purchase it. Contact San Marcos Insurance Group so that we can help you find the right health insurance policy for your needs.

How to Get Auto Insurance With a Suspended License in Chandler, AZ

You may think you are out of luck if your driver’s license is suspended and you need auto insurance in Chandler, AZ. However, there are a few steps you can take to get the coverage you need. In this blog post, San Marcos Insurance Group gives an overview of what to do if your driver’s license is suspended and you require auto insurance in Chandler, AZ. 

Getting Auto Insurance with a Suspended License

If your license is suspended, it does not mean that you cannot get auto insurance in Chandler, AZ—it just means that finding coverage will be more challenging. Some insurers will refuse to provide coverage for drivers with suspended licenses, so the best thing to do is shop around for an insurer who will accept your application. Some insurers specialize in providing coverage for high-risk drivers and may be willing to give you coverage even if your license has been suspended. 

It is important to note that while some insurers may accept applications from drivers with suspensions, they will typically charge higher premiums since they are considered high-risk drivers. Additionally, most insurers will require proof that your license has been reinstated before they can provide coverage, so check with them before signing up for any policy. If all else fails, you could consider getting non-owner car insurance which provides basic liability protection without requiring a valid driver’s license.             

If your driver’s license has been suspended in Chandler, AZ, due to unpaid tickets or other violations, don’t despair. There are still options available, even though it might be more complicated than usual due to the circumstances surrounding your suspension. Contact San Marcos Insurance Group, and we can help you.

Does Your Arizona Home Insurance Policy Cover Your Hot Tub?

Having a hot tub at home can be an enjoyable way to relax and unwind. But what happens if something goes wrong with it? Many homeowners in Chandler, AZ wonder if their home insurance policy covers their hot tub in the event of an unexpected issue.

Understanding Your Homeowners Insurance Policy

Before we answer whether your homeowner’s policy covers your hot tub, let’s look at what most standard home insurance policies cover. Generally speaking, these policies cover damage to the structure of your home due to things like fire or storms, as well as theft of personal items inside your home. In addition, they may also provide liability coverage in case someone is injured while visiting you at home. Before purchasing a hot tub for your Chandler, AZ home, speak with a San Marcos Insurance Group agent to find precisely what your policy covers.

Does My Homeowners Insurance Cover My Hot Tub?

The short answer is that it depends on the specifics of your policy and the type of damage that has occurred to the hot tub. If you purchased a standard homeowner’s policy without additional features such as "inland marine" coverage, it likely wouldn’t cover any issues related to your hot tub. However, an umbrella policy may provide liability coverage if someone gets injured while using the hot tub.

If you’re interested in learning more about how best to protect yourself from potential damages related to owning a hot tub in Chandler, AZ, contact San Marcos Insurance Group today! Their team will be happy to discuss the different types of coverage available so that you can make an informed decision about which option is best for you.

Are You a Business Owner? Protect it with Commercial Insurance

Are you a business owner in the Chandler, AZ area? If so, the San Marcos Insurance Group can provide the commercial insurance protection your business needs. The most important part of a business operation is protecting it from devastating financial loss. The difference could be the company’s ability to continue operations or face the possibility of a shutdown. A commercial insurance policy can make a difference.

There are several types of commercial insurance to choose from. The most common types are liability, property, and workers’ compensation. Simply put, liability insurance covers damage to third parties, property insurance covers any damage to the property of your business, and workers’ compensation covers on-the-job illness or injury to your employees.

Even if you work out of your home, every small business needs protection. If you have business vehicles, you will need business vehicle insurance coverage. Most states will require you to have workers’ compensation insurance if you have employees.

Business insurance requirements will differ from state to state. The names for the various coverage are not always the same among insurance companies. For example, one insurer could refer to coverage for the accidental breakdown of equipment as machinery insurance, while another could call it mechanical breakdown coverage.

Without certain types of coverage, such as workers’ compensation, it puts you in violation of state laws and, in many cases, is considered a felony. This could result in hefty fines and possible jail time.

Also, being underinsured could result in economic losses for the business, as the claim amount could be in excess of the maximum amount that the insurance policy will pay. Underinsurance results from having insufficient coverage or the wrong coverage for your business.

Don’t put your livelihood at risk. Insure it with a commercial insurance policy. The San Marcos Insurance Group can get you started on the road to business security.

Protect your Health and Future with Health Insurance

What is the need for health insurance? It protects you from the high cost of healthcare. Do you live in or near the Chandler, AZ area? The San Marcos Insurance Group can provide this vital protection.

An accident or illness can befall anyone at any time or age. Without health insurance coverage, any expenses incurred because of accident, injury, or illness will need to be paid by you out-of-pocket. There is no need to risk your savings or financial future. Regardless of age, health insurance is as necessary as car insurance and for similar reasons. To be without either of them is courting disaster.

Health insurance plans cover inpatient care and treatment, ambulance expenses, daycare treatment, pre and post-hospitalization care, and other things. This coverage can be added based on your needs.

Avoiding financial risk is reason enough to make sure you have enough health coverage. Here are some additional reasons:

  • Treatment becomes less expensive
  • Preventive care helps to keep you healthy
  • Peace of mind knowing your finances and health are taken care of
  • Those with health insurance are more likely to obtain early diagnosis and treatment, which contributes to improved health.
  • Access to prescription drugs and therapies becomes easier.
  • Individuals can obtain access to diabetic and asthma medications, contraceptives, and cardiovascular drugs with ease.
  • Mental health conditions are more easily managed and treated.

Avoid financial disasters. Just a broken leg can cost as much as $20,000. Why pay this expense out of pocket if you do not have to? Let the professionals at San Marcos Insurance Group provide you with a quote or answer any questions you may have. Contact them today. You will be glad you did.

Why should people in Arizona have an auto insurance plan?

People living in the Chandler, AZ area will find owning a car convenient and helpful. If you want to buy a car in this area, it would be beneficial to have the right insurance for it. There are various reasons why the typical car owner in this part of Arizona should always have an auto insurance plan in place for their vehicle.

Meet State Insurance Requirements

One reason why car owners in Arizona will want to have an auto insurance plan is so they can meet state insurance requirements. Anyone that is going to drive a car will need to at least have liability insurance for their vehicle. If you do not, you will be in violation of state law. A proper auto insurance plan will ensure you comply with these obligations. 

Cover Vehicle

Beyond having insurance to mitigate liability risks, you also need to have an auto insurance plan to protect your vehicle. When you buy a car, you will be making a significant investment. If you do not have insurance, you could lose your investment if the vehicle is stolen or damaged. With an auto insurance plan, you will have the support necessary to cover your car. Full comprehensive coverage will also likely be required if you have taken out an auto loan. 

Owning a car is very common for people in the Chandler, AZ area. When you own a car, it is wise to call the San Marcos Insurance Group to discuss insurance. There are a lot of choices to make when looking for coverage, and the San Marcos Insurance Group will provide the support you need to build your next auto insurance plan. 

Don’t Let Your Home Remain Unprotected – Insure It with Homeowner’s Insurance

Are you a homeowner in the Chandler, AZ area? Is your most valuable asset protected with homeowner’s insurance? The San Marcos Insurance Group can provide the coverage needed to protect your home.

Why is homeowner’s insurance important? Because it protects the owner’s home and personal property. If there is a loss due to a covered event, insurance will provide the funds for the rebuilding or repairing of the house.

Also, if someone is injured while on the homeowner’s property, it provides liability coverage for any legal action that may result.

Legally, you can own a home without this coverage. However, any mortgage holder will require that an insurance policy protect their interests. Homeowner’s insurance is still highly recommended if the property does not have a mortgage because it is totally paid for. If someone is injured on the property, the policy will help cover any legal expenses associated with the claim.

The standard homeowner’s policy provides four types of coverage:

  • The dwelling or home
  • Additional structures, such as a garage or storage shed
  • Personal property
  • Liability coverage

The basic levels of coverage are replacement cost, actual cash value, or extended replacement cost or value. Policies cover damage or destruction to the home’s exterior and interior, theft or loss of personal property, and any personal liability due to harm to others. If a home is damaged by a weather event such as strong winds, insurance can help pay for it.

Don’t let your most valuable asset remain unprotected. If you live in the Chandler, AZ area, the professionals at the San Marcos Insurance Group can provide you with a quote or answer any questions you may have regarding homeowner’s insurance. Contact them today. You will be glad you did.

Commercial Insurance FAQs

As a business owner, you have a unique set of responsibilities on your plate. Providing appropriate insurance protection for your business, employees, and customers is one of those essential responsibilities. At San Marcos Insurance Group, serving Chandler, AZ, and the surrounding areas, we can help you make the best insurance choices for your business. Keep reading to learn more about commercial insurance. 

Do I Need Commercial Insurance?

If you are a business owner in Arizona, you are required to provide certain types of insurance coverage under law. This coverage helps to protect your business, your employees, and your customers and clients. Failing to provide proper insurance could result in fines and other consequences.

Even though you may not be required to provide a specific type of insurance, though is not a good reason to ignore the coverage. A sturdy insurance plan protects the investment of time and money you have made into your company. 

What Does Commercial Insurance Provide?

A commercial insurance policy can be customized to suit your needs. In most cases, it will provide the following types of coverage:

  • Property damage– This provides money if your property or equipment is damaged during a fire, natural disaster, or burglary. 
  • Vehicle coverage– Any vehicles used in the business’s operation must be covered according to state law. Drivers of these vehicles must also be covered. 
  • Liability– Liability coverage is crucial to protecting your business and your assets. This coverage will kick in if a customer, client, or employee is injured at work or because of your goods or services. It can help pay for medical bills or legal fees that might occur. 

If you want to learn more about commercial insurance or any other product, please contact us at San Marco Insurance Group, serving Chandler, AZ, and the surrounding areas. 


Are You Fined if You Don’t Own Health Insurance?

Adults that don’t own health insurance in Chandler, AZ are not fined by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Those fees were rescinded in 2018 as a change to the Affordable Care Act (ACA). 

When Did People Need to Pay Fees?

Initially approved in 2010, the Affordable Care Act charged uninsured adults over $600 if they didn’t have coverage. The IRS annually collected the fees. Initially, the goal of the penalty was to encourage adults 25 and older to apply for health insurance. In doing so, they could help reduce medical costs.

When the ACA was modified in 2018, the fee was removed. Thus, there was no need to file a tax exemption to avoid paying the penalty. Nevertheless, there are still some situations where individuals must determine if they’re exempt from policies—for instance, a catastrophic health policy with low premiums but high deductibles. 

Why do I Need Health Insurance if I’m Healthy?

Although you’re healthy now, you don’t know what the future holds. Yes, there’s a good chance you’ll be okay. However, no one can predict the next pandemic or other new illness that can quickly sweep through a population. Ultimately, this is why you should get a health insurance policy.

You don’t have to work a second job to obtain quality coverage. The ACA created an affordable marketplace to help individuals and families obtain policies with smaller premiums. Some programs, like Medicaid, have no premiums and minimum copayments. 

Do you need a health insurance policy? If so, reach out to San Marcos Insurance Group representatives to obtain the one that fits your budget.