Demystifying Common Myths About Auto Insurance

Auto insurance in America dates back to the late 19th century and has become a billion-dollar industry. Since insurance has been around for so long, many myths have cropped up over the years, and they can cloud your judgment when shopping for a policy. For that reason, you need the help of a knowledgeable agent like San Marcos Insurance Group of Chandler, AZ to help you separate facts from myths.

Myth#1: Color affects the insurance premium

You will hear this many times — the red color attracts high insurance rates. Perhaps it’s because of the notion that owners of red cars are likely to drive fast, hence being categorized as risky drivers. None of this is true because the color isn’t one of the factors that determine your insurance rate. Your insurance doesn’t even know the color of your car.

Myth#2: Comprehensive coverage covers all risks

Perhaps because of its name, many think comprehensive coverage offers protection against all risks. The reality is that your comprehensive coverage only covers your car against non-collision risks only. This means comprehensive coverage protects your vehicle against risks like fire, theft, falling objects, and natural disasters. However, collision risks aren’t part of this coverage. Plus, you have to buy policies like liability coverage and PIP to cover yourself against other risks.

Myth#3: Auto insurance covers theft of personal items in your car

Unless you have an add-on, your standard car insurance policy won’t cover theft or damage of personal items in your car. You must rely on your home or renters insurance policy for such incidents.

Don’t fall into the trap of car insurance myths. Instead, consult with an insurance agent like San Marcos Insurance Group to ensure you have the right information to make an informed decision.