Choosing Value Level in Auto Insurance

When you insure your new-to-you vehicle in Chandler, AZ, you probably want the quickest option so you can hit the road. At San Marcos Insurance Group, we want to explain why it’s best to take the time to create a custom policy instead of choosing the state minimum package.

What State Minimum Insurance Covers

Arizona requires every driver to carry liability insurance to cover property damage and bodily injury. That coverage protects the other drivers on the road but does not damage your vehicle or cause injuries.

Choosing Full Coverage

When you purchase auto insurance with collision and comprehensive coverage, it protects you from financial loss if your vehicle is totaled or damaged. Collision coverage protects you from financial loss due to a single—or multi-vehicle accident.

Choosing Your Valuation Method

Choosing the correct valuation method ensures that your insurance covers you fully. Actual cash value won’t pay for a new car even if you totaled a new car because it uses the depreciated value of the vehicle. Fair market value improves the amount you get from a claim, but agreed-upon value provides the best payout. Stated value uses the value you state, but you must provide documentation to prove it. You choose which valuation method to use when you purchase your insurance policy. For stated value, you will also provide documentation of the vehicle’s value.

Contact Us Today

Call San Marcos Insurance Group in Chandler, AZ for a custom policy that fully protects you financially no matter what might happen to your vehicle. Let us help you design a policy that works for you!